Avatar by Ramiras. (https://www.deviantart.com/ramiras/art/Background-Pony-778162063)
You've stumbled onto my page somehow, so here's some info about me. I've been a brony since around mid-2013. I'm not really a writer; despite my occasional spurts of motivation to start a story, I never follow through because that motivation never lasts. Is it better to start a story and leave it unfinished rather than never start one at all? I could make arguments for either, to be honest.
If I ever did write a story I'd want it to be a long one as that's what I enjoy reading. That's a challenge, however, considering short stories are probably the best way to learn and I would certainly need more practice with writing in general before attempting anything large.
Reading MLP fanfiction is still something I love to this day, and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. My taste has unfortunately become a lot pickier over the years. Just one or two grammatical errors in a story's summary or within the first chapter or so will get me to drop that story real fast. The same goes for bad story flow and telling-not-showing writing. It just takes me right out of the story when I encounter problems like the aforementioned, making it hard to continue reading even if I really like everything else about the story.
Fallout Equestria is a favorite genre of mine, as you may be able to tell. I love most stories with a changeling protagonist or a protagonist that is seen as typically-evil or 'monstrous' (in form and/or in actions) turned good. A lot of the stories I read are gigantic - we're talking 200,000+ words long. I want to be able to get invested in a story and feel exhausted but content by the end. Generally, I pass up short stories unless I really, really like the story idea.
Some days, I put on some subdued music and browse long forgotten stories by authors who were last seen online years ago. It's a depressing experience and yet something I enjoy doing once in a blue moon.
Anyway, I've rambled enough here despite having little of substance to actually offer. Look below for some of the absolutely incredible stories I've decided to put on display! They'll give you a better time than the time you spent reading this, I guarantee it.
I always like seeing when something was last updated, so I'll leave this here. Won't bother updating for small changes.
This timestamp thing started around September 29th, 2023.
Description/Page last updated: August 31, 2024 (1725125227
Tracks last updated: October 29, 2023 (1698641120
#1 Favorites
Rekindled Embers Hundreds of years after the death of Twilight Sparkle, a brutal theocracy rules over ponies with an iron hoof. A young pegasus mare slowly learns the truth about her world, and the lies her faith is built on. 800,873 words · 721 · 46
Top Picks
The Olden World Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria. 2,020,719 words · 415 · 20
The Immortal Dream In the lands north of Equestria, three young ponies reach for the stars. 1,141,766 words · 113 · 7
The Princess and the Kaiser Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire and Kaiser Grover VI of the Griffonian Reich meet. They will reclaim their empires, no matter the cost. 657,095 words · 694 · 29
After Glow Even after everything, Twilight doesn't know much about where Cozy Glow came from. The truth is far more dangerous than anything she could have imagined. 5,810 words · 407 · 4
Changing Expectations What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world. 528,597 words · 3,222 · 82
Top Picks 2
Random Old Tumblr Nostalgia
Another one of my nostalgia-fueled history binges. Spending four hours just trawling through the old blogs I used to read—some just gone or left completely empty—is a real hit to the emotions. Really kills me thinking of all of the absolutely amazing works and arts that are just gone like that. Couldn't find the actual artist pages for many of them that have moved on.
https://ask-king-sombra.tumblr.com/ - HereBeWiggles (https://ask-wiggles.tumblr.com/)
https://www.tumblr.com/asksunshineandmoonbeams - Anticular
https://asksmallestia.tumblr.com/, https://smallestia.tumblr.com/
https://silfoearts.tumblr.com/, https://royalsketchbook.tumblr.com/ - Silfoe
https://fluttershythekind.tumblr.com/ - FtK
https://askthesunjackers.tumblr.com/, https://askfirestarterspitfire.tumblr.com/ - CaptainHoers (https://captainhoers.tumblr.com/)
https://ask-majesty-incarnate.tumblr.com/ - NCMares
https://readlie.tumblr.com/ - TheDracoJayProject
https://dailylifeofspike.tumblr.com/ - AHappyPichu/Imsokyo
https://mylittlechangeling.tumblr.com/ - Undlark
https://askincompetentlightningdust.tumblr.com/ - RalekArts
https://askgamingprincessluna.tumblr.com/ - JohnJoseco
https://inconvenienttrixie.tumblr.com/, https://m10nstuck.tumblr.com/ - Egophiliac
Kind of regret clearing out the comments, but c'est la vie.