• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 15th, 2020


We live in a parallel universe where parallel universes do not exist.


long time no see · 5:30am Jun 13th, 2015

Well, I haven't posted in a long time. How's life, everyone?

Anyways, my follower rank is 3,333rd. What a great number.

Report -Serpent- · 476 views ·

Hi, I am -Serpent-! I am a young Hungarian girl who loves evil, gore and violence. I am also slightly crazy. The first MLP:FIM fanfiction I read was Rainbow Factory by AuroraDawn. Then came The Pegasus Device, sequel to one of the best fanfictions ever. I read a LOT. I am part of a lot of fandoms besides MLP, such as Warrior Cats, Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, The Fault in Our Stars, Percy Jackson, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Wolves of the Beyond, Beautiful Creatures, Doctor Who, Swort Art Online, Fairy Tail, Attack On Titan, No Game No Life, etc. Drawing is one of my other favorite things to do besides reading and writing. I was introduced to MLP:FIM by imcool320(one of my best friends at school) about two or three years ago. So yeah, I'm violent, creepy, and a stalker. And I also play Minecraft.

My favorite ponies are:

Queen Chrysalis

Princess Luna

Rainbow Dash




Vinyl Scratch

Comments ( 236 )
  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236

I also thought I should let you know that there is a project in the works, this project is called Age of Aincrad which is going to be an SAO theme MMO with generally the same mechanics


Sinon all the way! :D

I hope I don't start a ship war.

I guess it's safe to assume you're a fan of SAO so I wanted to ask you this, asuna or shino?

I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE:heart:

  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236
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