Personal Update · 5:17pm Jul 13th, 2020
Hello everyone! It's been a very long while since I've put together a post on this site. I know I haven't been posting any new chapters for Blaze of My Heart and have been quiet about the whole thing. Honestly I don't know if anyone is still waiting for a new chapter or have moved on from the series. But to get to the point, I have been thinking about this for about maybe a couple of months and I might just end the series either canceled or at the very least make one more chapter to end it off.
I've been doing alright. Been busy with irl stuff as well.
Been a bit busy irl, but I've had some down time and began reading some old stories here. Came across your story again and thought I'd see how you were doing :)
Yeah, it has! I’ve been doing alright. How have you been doing?
Hey Blue, it's been awhile hasn't? :) How have you been?
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!
Admiral Snuggles appreciates your support