• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Hey there, everypony! I'm a big time video gaming nerd and love to write stories and make art. Hope that you all like my stories and become good friends!


Personal Update · 5:17pm Jul 13th, 2020

Hello everyone! It's been a very long while since I've put together a post on this site. I know I haven't been posting any new chapters for Blaze of My Heart and have been quiet about the whole thing. Honestly I don't know if anyone is still waiting for a new chapter or have moved on from the series. But to get to the point, I have been thinking about this for about maybe a couple of months and I might just end the series either canceled or at the very least make one more chapter to end it off.

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Report BlueSun52 · 489 views · Story: Blaze of My Heart ·

My Little Sunny!

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Games I love to Play!!!

Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition!
Halo (All of them)
Assassins Creed
Mass Effect Trilogy
Batman Arkham series
Dead Space series
Disney Infinity

Comments ( 198 )
  • Viewing 194 - 198 of 198

I've been doing alright. Been busy with irl stuff as well.

Been a bit busy irl, but I've had some down time and began reading some old stories here. Came across your story again and thought I'd see how you were doing :)

Yeah, it has! I’ve been doing alright. How have you been doing?

Hey Blue, it's been awhile hasn't? :) How have you been?

  • Viewing 194 - 198 of 198
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