In the beginning; there was nothing. Then one story was born, and breathed light upon the nothingness. An entire universe of stories was created; and all was well.
Welcome to the PomE (Pie of my Eye) group! Just a typical group of guys and gals who made OC stories. You are also welcome to make your own OCxCanonCharacter Story!
[Read the following if you are interested in making a story to add to the group]
Story and OC Standards
Character Profiles
How to write a good story 101 (by Jarvy Jared)
PoME character list
The People Who Run The Group
MyLittleGeneration - founder
Ragga_Muffin - Story Monitor
(Ragga reserves the right to address any issues or breaking of rules pertaining to the stories subsequently submitted and/or approved by Celtic)
Celtic Fire - Story Approver
(Celtic reserves the right to approve or deny any story he deems not fitting the PoME universe or the rules layed forth in the pinned forums/links above)
Jarvy Jared - Literary Advisor and Group Pre-reader
(if you have questions about how to write something or need someone to look something over, ask him)
[Note] DO NOT spam Jarvy with requests, he may become busy with other requests and RL stuff, so just be patient
What happened to the Discord?
hey i tried to click on the discord link but for some reason, it's not working
can i ship
me OCs plz (jst lemme smash)
k tanx of thnx
That is all. Equestria is ours.