• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

A bag of plums

Plums in a bag and complexity addict. Chances are there's more to what you're reading than meets the eye.

Murderers and Mad Dog Stuff

Anyone 'round here tired? I don't know. If you want to PM me about stuff that may or may not be related to my fics, go on ahead. I'm a bag of plums.

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Assistance · 6:08pm February 1st

Hello, everyone. Normally I write blogs for fun things like stories or illustrations, but today it's serious business.

This person needs our help, and we can stop them from making an irreversible mistake.

Head on over and show some support, and we can uphold the values of the show and characters we all cherish on this site. We can make a difference.

~A Bag of Plums

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