• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2014
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We are the Bronies. Lower your expectations and surrender your incredulity. We shall add your fandoms and characters to our own. Your culture will adapt to enjoy ponies. Friendship is Magic.

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No update this week · 11:39pm Aug 4th, 2017

No update for Sirens at the Gate this week. Allow me to rant why

(Before I begin this short rant, allow to state that I unconditionally love my family and in no way wish them harm or premature death, however many times I might say that I want to murder them in their sleep with piano wire.

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Report Daniel-Gleebits · 880 views ·
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To be completely honest, not well. I made Finding Peace to be something that can be go back to whenever I got inspiration, but RoR is a bit more serious.
I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, since I have a lot of responsibilities these days, but I am trying.

My DA page is my most active thing I have, and can be found here https://daniel-gleebits.deviantart.com/

It has my comic on it, amongst other things.

That sounds awesome. Do you have a link to the comics so I can follow you? Also know that I never lost interest, I was just waiting patiently. Your stuff is amazing! Keep doing what you love!

I haven't given up on writing, nor on the stories here. But as has happened before, I got into a rut at one point, then understandably everyone seemed to lose interest and I went on to other things to try and get myself back in.
For example, I'm currently working on a series of history comics condensing important but relatively unknown events and people into amusing strips for ease of understanding, and so people will maybe stop saying history is boring.

In short I don't want to say I've stopped writing these stories, I just don't want to get anyone's hopes up that they'll continue soon.

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