Their pendants inactive, their magic gone, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata find themselves plonked undignified into a world of human beings who, despite their adulation for magic, fear it above all else. Yet despite their separation from their once world-dominating power, they retain the natural strengths of their species along with a mysterious longevity, and quickly learn that any hint of their extraordinary abilities can quickly land them in the deepest trouble.
Wishing to be left alone by these oat-brained primitives, the three agreed centuries ago that they should never remain in one place, and that they should keep their abilities a strict secret.
Well, most of the time.
After centuries of keeping their talents a secret from the world, the two great superpowers of their time are on the road to war, and the three sirens at risk of being caught between two of the ancient world's mightiest war machines.