Nonpareil Fiction 287 members · 269 stories

Hello, and welcome to Nonpareil Fiction!

We are looking for high quality fanfiction. This is a group dedicated to fanfiction that is nonpareil. High quality doesn't necessarily come down to the amount of views and up-votes a story has. It comes down to how good the storytelling is. It can be a creative take on an original premise, unique style and use of writing mechanics, or just a well-written, engaging story.

If it's one of those or all of the above, we are interested. Please view the group rules and our guidelines before submitting.

We would like to get to know you, so come introduce yourselves; don't be shy.


By: DemonBrightSpirit

Short review:

This story wastes no time throwing the reader into the fire along with Ponyville. The dire situation is conveyed perfectly. Feelings of despair, fear, confusion, anger and hopelessness make this story feel very real. It's an unforgiving emotional roller-coaster, and you really feel and care for the characters. Each character is given very accurate, and complex, emotional depth as they come to terms with what has happened, making the aftermath just as scary as the fire. The perfect pacing and real feelings this story has makes it a must read. It will keep you glued to your computer desperately wanting to know what happens next.


All of our featured stories can be found in the featured folder.



Ribbon Design by:

Visionary Gaze and hugsforpenguin

Comments ( 33 )
  • Viewing 14 - 33 of 33

This is my first time here so how do I exactly submit my fanfic to the group? is it by PM with one of the admins?

hi I'm new here, and would like people's constructive opinions on my story. I'm not a writer but I try to put my best in what I do.

386783 Good to know! I'm hoping to take a trip to Europe someday. And maybe I'll see you at Everfree Nothwest, if I can manage to get there this summer. :twilightsmile:

386710 Sweden was expensive, but totally worth it. Kind of like Switzerland actually. But since I've been to Switzerland many times, there's no way I can confuse it with an awesome nordic country. Both are extremely beautiful and totally worth visiting.

375550 Me too! I want to go to that at some point.
375544 Most of the people who work at Mojang, as well as the original creator of Minecraft, are Swedish. In addition, Sweden is occasionally confused with Switzerland, mostly by me, and the two aforementioned facts are pretty much the extent of my knowledge of the country.
377710 I know the feeling ;~;


I'm notoriously bad about getting contest entries in on time. :facehoof:

Just an update. The contest ends in three weeks. Is anyone actually participating?

The early Autumn contest has started. 5k words nightmare night/monsters themed. Check out the forums for more information.

Contest closes 15 October. :twilightsmile:

375550 Yep that's the one.

Everfree Northwest? Because I live there. :raritywink:

375547 Um yeah... no. But I hope to hit up a con on the west coast next summer.

Alternatively, you could pay for me to go out that way... :moustache:

375545 If you ever come out this way, let me know.

I wanna go overseas... :duck:

375543 Sì, io vivo a Italia. And it's... something. Time for a vacation. I hear Sweden is nice.

But now you're all the way in Italy. :pinkiesad2: I've lived in California and Washington, mostly.

375539 Murica!!! lol I'm from California originally but mostly grew up in Oregon. I love both states.

375533 Come visit :twilightsmile: I live outside Naples

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