• Member Since 27th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen July 18th


Beware the madness that lies within the hearts of Man.

Comments ( 61 )
  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61

Thank you much for the watch, I really appreciate it ^^


question though, if you haven't already do you intend on having any albino radscorpions appear, those things were nasty when I fought them in game in fallout 3

Didn't plan for those. I will think about it.

2239392 it was your fallout story to be honest, while the occational missing words bug me( only slightly though, its a minor thing to me) I find it rather well written, currently I'm only on chapter 10 and I'm having a wonderful time...question though, if you haven't already do you intend on having any albino radscorpions appear, those things were nasty when I fought them in game in fallout 3

Thanks for the follow, but what warranted it?

  • Viewing 57 - 61 of 61
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