Ponykind is my disguise, and I hide in groups...21
The web of intrigue...
117 users follow DX-1118 C
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DX-1118 C follows 25 users
That bio is one of the very few things that actually got me to chuckle
May I ask why it is that I can't add stories in The Best Stories (2.0) in the Crossover/Human/Alternate Universe folder.
1321979 Nevermind. I see what's going on. I think that the favorite slides on the stories don't show every-pony that favorited it. I know that you still favorited it. Sorry my friend If you did unfave it, please favorite it again if you really like "Spike and the Mane-iac." Again, sorry about that.
1321319 I unfaved it? Strange. Must have misclicked or something.
Hey, I was wondering, Why don't you like Spike and the Mane-iac anymore? It's okay if you unfavorited it, I was just wondering why.