Welcome! · 7:30am Jul 25th, 2014
Welcome to the Main Page dedicated to those sick sadistic bastards that take sweet joy in pointing out everything that is wrong in the stories on this site.
If you don't know what we do, then here:
This is a parody of Cinema Sins. We go to stories that we like, and point out everything wrong with it(spelling/grammar errors are ignored), though not in a hateful way. Mainly, this is for entertainment and comedic purposes. It might also help out the author in their writing.
I gotta be honest: you're actually more annoying than you are funny.
1287236 ...I'm just jumping on the bandwagon...
(Cliche. DING!)
Haha, jokes on you.
You just proved my point!
I'm sorry, but I have to do this:
Too is not needed here. It should be just to. DING!
Also is not needed here. DING!