• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2021


I wish!!

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Then there was nothing.


i enjoy your storys, most arent finnished but i still enjoyed them,
thank you for writing them.

hope i might see more.
even if you dont read this i hope you have a good day and a good time : )

A follow deserves a follow. :twilightsmile:

Especially when someone(you) with some recognition follows a nobody like me. :twilightsheepish:

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Useles · 4:58am Feb 19th, 2020

I love all of you. I just feel like nothing I do matters. And it doen;t, I try my best but I always end up in this pit and I can't even write. I can't do anything but play games that make me mad at myself.

Report RealityWarper · 311 views ·