• Member Since 31st Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 23rd, 2016



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Oracle · 2:47pm Feb 15th, 2016

Something is coming!

A being... or a ghost? Of unknown origin. Who serves those of unimaginable power.

Why was he sent?No one can tell! But his mere presence can bend the very fabrics of everything, his power is beyond anything I have ever thought possible.

Is he here to bring us salvation? Or is he an Angel of Destruction!

Twilight Sparkle
The Princess of Friendship

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Report Roman · 991 views · #Oracle
Comments ( 16 )
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I hope you don’t mind that I put your rebirth story in asperger’s bronies United, I just had too share it it’s so cute ^-^

Ok this guy asked to be banned hes dead guys no hope for his storys

Does the line through the name indicate a ban? Or inactivity? Or something else?

R u perma-ban?

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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Oracle · 2:47pm Feb 15th, 2016

Something is coming!

A being... or a ghost? Of unknown origin. Who serves those of unimaginable power.

Why was he sent?No one can tell! But his mere presence can bend the very fabrics of everything, his power is beyond anything I have ever thought possible.

Is he here to bring us salvation? Or is he an Angel of Destruction!

Twilight Sparkle
The Princess of Friendship

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Report Roman · 991 views · #Oracle

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Oracle · 2:47pm Feb 15th, 2016

Something is coming!

A being... or a ghost? Of unknown origin. Who serves those of unimaginable power.

Why was he sent?No one can tell! But his mere presence can bend the very fabrics of everything, his power is beyond anything I have ever thought possible.

Is he here to bring us salvation? Or is he an Angel of Destruction!

Twilight Sparkle
The Princess of Friendship

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Report Roman · 991 views · #Oracle