• Member Since 15th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


"Six will rise, but one will fall. Evil returns to rule them all. If his actions do not desist, then this land shall cease to exist."

Comments ( 115 )
  • Viewing 111 - 115 of 115

It pleases me that you're tracking Shifting Reality. :twilightsmile:

Hey, I just noticed your link to the old badge and achievement was busted, so here you go:
Achievement unlocked!

You earned the...

...would a group of fans of Changeling fics be called a swarm?

TLost Little Wolf
Yet another human-in-the-body-of-a-show-character story
PrincessColumbia · 48k words  ·  1,031  58 · 16k views

It pleases me that you're tracking Alicorn Princess. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for Tracking my story CodeMaster Conundrum

Achievement unlocked!

You earned the...

...would a group of fans of Changeling fics be called a swarm?

  • Viewing 111 - 115 of 115
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