Getting a cat · 2:26pm Mar 28th, 2017
Some people say you pick the but the thing is that you don't pick the cat. The cat picks you.
never mess with a pegases...ever
Some people say you pick the but the thing is that you don't pick the cat. The cat picks you.
Some people say you pick the but the thing is that you don't pick the cat. The cat picks you.
Some people say you pick the but the thing is that you don't pick the cat. The cat picks you.
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I'm heartbroken because my girlfriend moved back to her old school.i got another girlfriend and she broke up with me back in September.i want to ask out a cheerleader but I am shy around them.and another thing is that I have an obsession with rainbow dash.
Another thing is I kinda have an obsession with rainbow dash
I'm heartbroken because i had a girlfriend that moved back to her old school.then I got another girlfriend and she broke up with me back in September.and I want to ask out a cheerleader but I can't I'm shy around them.
Thx for the follow!