Luna's Dream World 16 members · 0 stories

basically this group is for people who like to make stories about Luna's dreams and/or stories about Luna helping ponies with their dreams. You can post just Luna stories, but please ask before doing that. If you search (if any one comments a lot) on the first page of comments, there should be a comment posted by me that says something a long the lines of, reply to this for non-Luna dream story
You all need to be nice, and i don't do permanent bans, maybe if you continue to be a butt-head, i probably will. If someone is giving you trouble, go ahead and PM me with a link to their page or whatever.
yay :yay: I think that covers all of it!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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yaaaaaayyy!!! :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
I didn't realize i would get ANY people to join this group! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: thanks for joining!

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