• Member Since 9th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen April 30th


I've been a brony since October 2013, and it's only now that I have finally decided to take action and find my true place among the herd.

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Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening - Update: 31/12/21 · · · 2:57am Jan 1st, 2022

Last update for 2021.

Only one chapter remains though this one took a while for me to get to it due to losing my dog days before it was finished months ago. l plan on publishing it either tomorrow or Sunday without fail as l do wish to finally have all chapters available.

Bonus chapters? l still want to write a couple of them but l haven't decided if l'm going to be 100% dedicated to it.

Report Ganondorf8 · 201 views ·
Comments ( 196 )
  • Viewing 192 - 196 of 196

How you doing mate? Haven't see you in a while

Right back atcha!

Thanks again for favoriting The Return of Sunset! Hope you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:


You're welcome. I honestly enjoyed reading it.

  • Viewing 192 - 196 of 196
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