• Member Since 20th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 22nd, 2017


“Life is what we make of it. Travel is the traveler. What we see isn't what we see but what we are.”

Something in the Manner of an Introduction

Two Pennies

I have walked this earth, and out of gratitude, want to leave some souvenir... something beautiful...
"Writing is the great art of telling the truth." ---Herman Melville

The Harvest

Comments ( 2211 )
  • Viewing 2,207 - 2,211 of 2,211

Huh, I remember I used to see you in person sometimes.

Your TV group, Twilight Velvet caught my eye and I added my As Hard As Velvet story to it. I will be reading some of your stories, they are interesting, from the sinopsises. :twilightsmile: :ajsmug:

You should come to one of the socal Potlucks again!

Hardly my domain anymore eh. I just founded it. I've been absent for far too long and may for a very long while yet to in any way be privy to the group. Sorry, mates

I can't believe I still am. Golly, where am I--somewhere fading, or coming into view?

  • Viewing 2,207 - 2,211 of 2,211
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