The Work I'm Most Proud Of
Discord van Gogh Twilight must defeat Discord in the dreams of a very unique painter-pony. by HeartTortoisePigeonDog 23,094 words · 15 · 1
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I have walked this earth, and out of gratitude, want to leave some souvenir... something beautiful...
"Writing is the great art of telling the truth." ---Herman Melville
Huh, I remember I used to see you in person sometimes.
Your TV group, Twilight Velvet caught my eye and I added my As Hard As Velvet story to it. I will be reading some of your stories, they are interesting, from the sinopsises.
You should come to one of the socal Potlucks again!
Hardly my domain anymore eh. I just founded it. I've been absent for far too long and may for a very long while yet to in any way be privy to the group. Sorry, mates
I can't believe I still am. Golly, where am I--somewhere fading, or coming into view?