• Member Since 28th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 1st, 2014

Dylan Roach


First blog post of mine. · 1:11am Apr 9th, 2013

I felt like sharing some of my poetry that I had to write for school, so I came here. It is about Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, my OTP. I had to present this to a group of strangers, which I thought was fun. It is a free verse poem, but it was almost a sonnet. The difference is that my poem doesn't follow iambic pentameter. It also has a rhyme scheme of AB-AB instead of the usual AA-BB, in which the A= lines 1 and 3 and B= lines 2 and 4. There is a reference to

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460928 Your welcome, and thank you for the watch.

Thanks for the watch, and the favorite!

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