• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 14th, 2023



Finally Updated Fanfiction! · 6:08pm Jul 19th, 2012

I finally got around to updating Pinkamena's Regrets, and have begun work on a new fanfic I'm planning to name Pinkamena's Return.

Sorry if you've been waiting for In The Dead of Night. I kind of forgot where I was supposed to be going with that one. I'll try my best to get that updated soon too, though.

I wouldn't want to be banished and thrown in a dungeon in the place I was banished to by Celestia herself for not finishing her fanfic ;)

Report Violyre · 417 views ·

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Comments ( 17 )
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Thank you for the favourite on Red/Yellow, it's very much appreciated.

I'm glad you liked "Un-Birthday for a Princess"!

I would love your comments if you have the time :twilightsmile:

43525 NOOO MINEEEE :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Wanna share some of that chocolate rain?

Ever finish up a good story tha's under 12k words, hit me up. I just might do a reading for it ;D

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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