• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Hi. I'm just some guy, you know.


Hi, There · 9:27pm Jul 24th, 2019

I wrote something. You may have missed that because it's for a contest entry, and I don't like to promote those before the contests is over; but I did write something.

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I'm making a story and my O.C is not the main character but one of the main characters friends, can I still put my story in the group (OCRA)?

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, friend!

Hey you watcher! I see you watching me! Go ahead and watch me! See if I care! :flutterrage:

*Rolls out of bed and hops up to Boop you*
*Then rolls back into it*

Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you enjoy Dead Tree and Bone Daddy or Luna's Marehood :)

Please do drop upvotes on the ones you like and downvotes on the ones you hate! I like honesty in the comments, it helps me be a better writer.

We're also hiring a second editor to help get stuff out faster.

Upcoming stuff: [Secret new Pony Parody], Luna's Secret Cake Formula, CMC Crisis of Uniformity

Come bug me on discord :)



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