• Member Since 21st Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2019



Trotcon Trip Report, In Numbers · 12:57am Jul 23rd, 2018

Panels attended: 2

Games of Smash Bros won: 0

Dinosaurs busting moves: 1

Exits missed on the drive: 3

Admiral Biscuits met: 1

Report nemryn · 408 views · #Trotcon
Comments ( 128 )
  • Viewing 124 - 128 of 128

Thanks for adding Lawsuits, Suitcases, and Punishment to your favorites.

Thanks for the fave and the comment. I’m glad you enjoyed Ruined for Pun.

Glad you liked my story, The Ponies and the Ponies. It's getting a slight overhaul at the moment, but will continue as soon as I get enough extra chapters polished to ensure a regular upload schedule.

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for the fave on The Crystal and the Mirage, and thanks for the watch!

  • Viewing 124 - 128 of 128
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