• Member Since 7th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2015

Insert Pen Name

I'm a guy who writes about ponies. Not much else to say at the moment.Also, all my stuff is featured on Equestria Daily, so you know it's legit!


Happy Halloween! · 2:19am Oct 31st, 2014

Yeah, it's a day early. But I'll be busy tomorrow, so I may as well say it now.

This year, I'm going as the classic Pirate, albeit without the really cliched bits like the plastic hook and crap. What I do have is an old fencing foil and an old toy flintlock cap-pistol (made of real wood and steel)! The latter of which I will NOT be taking out on the streets for obvious reasons in light of recent events here in Ottawa.

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Comments ( 9 )
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So, will there be any follow up on the Brotherhood of Mann? You left us on a hell of a cliffhanger...

199975 Yeah, sorry but no thanks. Between college and the other fics I'm working on, I just wouldn't have the time. Plus, I think it's already been done anyway; they crossover everything on this site.:pinkiesick:

To consider writing a National Treasure crossover. If it isn't too much trouble that is...:fluttershyouch:

199409 So... what are you asking of me, exactly?

So today while I was thinking (about ponies and stories) I had this one idea for a fanfic. A National Treasure crossover type thing, maybe My Little Nation: Treasure is Magic or something like that. But I was stumped for who to turn to...until I remembered Rainbow Dash and the Treasure of Canterlot. Then it became obvious that you were the best choice.
Well, that's my two bits.

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