• Member Since 26th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago


Death God

About My Writing

I wouldn't pander to anyone. I like my stories and I write them because I think there are others who would enjoy them. I do not create "shock" fics or any fics to adhere to people. I'm not here to make as many people follow me as possible or even to please my followers. I'm here to write fiction I've come up with about ponies, draconequus, gryphons, minotaurs, changelings, and, yes, dragons in the hope that others who can will enjoy them.

World be damned, Anarchy and Chaos eternal


Happy New Year! and Merry Belated Winter Holiday You Celebrate!(Request Artwork Inside!) · 5:08am Jan 2nd, 2020

It's weird knowing this is the first year I don't have pony episodes to look forward too... but I digress.

I got a few pages of Hoard ironed out, but with my birthday, the holidays, two managers quitting from work(and me having to fill in shifts), and not having power for almost three days I have gotten not quite as much as I was hoping done. It's been a magical time! Next month I start house searching so that'll cut into my time too.

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Comments ( 668 )
  • Viewing 664 - 668 of 668

Awesome, thanks for adding A Favor Earned to your favorites.

same been waiting years for more on the whole series my self but i've also got 40 other stories I need to download and read some were around 400 something chapters over all and almost 300 total for my 2 watch lists I think 2 or 3 stories just from cloud on those watch lists

Question: will you keep working on building a dragon's hoard? IMO it's the best work of yours I've read.

Thanks for the watch. :twilightsmile:

Really want to say, love your stories. Been reading them, using your stories for inspiration and to help better myself as a writer for several years now. Cannot begin to express how happy I am to have the Follow.

  • Viewing 664 - 668 of 668
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