MLP wasn't the first series I decided to write fiction for. I had gathered much experience from previous writing I had done for other series. Here are some of my completed works that are not of the pony genre. If you happen to recognize some of these fandoms, it would be in both of our interests if you gave them a read and enjoy the twists and turns I present in these wonderful stories.
The Denouement Of Suzumiya Haruhi
Kyon has quit the SOS Brigade after deciding that Haruhi was too much to begin with. After yelling at Haruhi, repaying all of his stress and anger, he turns and walks away. He learns that taking one step away from Haruhi means a hell of a journey back. (107,934 Words, Rated K+)
The Sports Meet is a week away. Haruhi plans to have the Brigade take part in the Relay Race. An old friend returns and strange Closed Spaces appear. Can Kyon win first place and save the world? Or will he not even make it to the battle? Kyon X Ryoko. (27,696 Words, Rated K+)
Fallen Angels Descend
Panty thought she'd killed that ghost, why she hearing voices?... (9,759 Words, Rated T)
Fallen Angels Sing (Christmas Episode)
It's Christmas but Panty and Stocking still aren't getting any rest. At least they get to have cake, lots of it... (11,159 Words, Rated T)
He's dead Jim.
Hey LordPlagus777,
I'm not trying to be picky or impatient but when are you going to finish Hearts of Scale? You haven't done anything in two years
Oh goodness, he seems to have fallen off the planet.
He was so powerful, he could even keep the ones he loved from dying. -Supreme Chancellor Palpatine describing Darth Plagus the wise.
Is it you, my Lord?
Waaaaa i already read ur fic again from the begining hahaha and i cant wait to read da new chap , plx keep it up da hood work !! I want yo read the end of this fic :'D