• Member Since 20th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen February 26th



Update in a couple minutes · 4:19pm Mar 10th, 2014

Hey extremely patient readers,
Chapter 10 is finished and is on the way. I had a bit of writers block and more then a few exams and projects due but now that all those things are mostly out of the way I can get back to writing!

Report winzaur · 432 views · Story: Spike and Rainbow Dash ·

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Comments ( 29 )
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Hey there winzaur, stoked to hear that you added my newest fanfic 'My Little Bodyguard' to your favs. Here's hoping that you'll enjoy it's next chapter:moustache:

Thank you very much for the Fave of my story Certain Advantages! It means a great deal to me that you could enjoy it... despite the bungholery!:trollestia:

Thanks for the favorite for Spikey's Inferno. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks a lot for favoring :twilightsmile:Glad you have enjoyed it!

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