• Member Since 1st Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 24th, 2019


Just an average dude, writing some fanfiction. A gamer to the end and an avid writer of fiction from original stories to what this site specializes in.

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In The Works · 6:37am Sep 9th, 2013

Sorry for the delay, everyone. I've been working on Love Unsought, but a lot of the usual troubles of life keep rearing their ugly heads. Just letting ya'll know it's still coming, just taking longer than expected. I can't give any real ETA on the next chapter, but I've also been editing some previous work of mine, tweaking certain pieces to be, well, better. Expect some activity in the coming weeks, at least.

Report PrometheusDark · 450 views ·
Comments ( 92 )
  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92

Stumbled on bittersweet treat, would love to see more. :pinkiehappy:

Sup! Just one of your followers checking to see if your still alive! Hmmm, think I'm going to make this a regular thing.:moustache:

Thanks for the watch! :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav!

- Please, end "the changeling war", hun?:ajsleepy:

  • Viewing 88 - 92 of 92
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