• Member Since 30th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 28th, 2013



I've made a bit of a mistake · 10:39pm May 10th, 2013

I've picked a very bad time to come back to this site and restart all of my stories.
I have my big GCSE exams all starting up next week.
9 in two weeks.
10 in the other two.
19 in four weeks.

So, for the time being, updates will be slowed but afterwards I have 12 weeks off to finish everything and to start on a few things, so gimme a while to get all of my exams out of the way and then more regular updates will appear.

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Comments ( 16 )
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It seems... you have gone...

707539 but not all of them is like that. IT is the majority

Yo listen up Brony's. Lemon Drizzle is a good friend of mine, but one of the reasons that he isn't so active on this fan-fiction forum is because he's shy about his work. Now let me tell you this: I fuckin hate MLP. I fuckin hate the Brony community. I fuckin hate all of this fandom. But this guy is a good friend of mine and hes a bloody amazing writer, so i dont give a shit what he writes, as long as he writes it. So I'm saying this: if you want LemonDrizzle to finish his stories, then you need to let him know! Drop him a message or post on this page, I dont give a crap. Just help out my friend. Thanks. Cya later assholes :)

Welcome back :pinkiehappy:man u have no idea how long I have been waiting for un since I started reading becoming chaos u left :fluttershbad:I was all sad but now ur back and kicking

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