I've made a bit of a mistake · 10:39pm May 10th, 2013
I've picked a very bad time to come back to this site and restart all of my stories.
I have my big GCSE exams all starting up next week.
9 in two weeks.
10 in the other two.
19 in four weeks.
So, for the time being, updates will be slowed but afterwards I have 12 weeks off to finish everything and to start on a few things, so gimme a while to get all of my exams out of the way and then more regular updates will appear.
It seems... you have gone...
707539 but not all of them is like that. IT is the majority
707539 Yeah
Yo listen up Brony's. Lemon Drizzle is a good friend of mine, but one of the reasons that he isn't so active on this fan-fiction forum is because he's shy about his work. Now let me tell you this: I fuckin hate MLP. I fuckin hate the Brony community. I fuckin hate all of this fandom. But this guy is a good friend of mine and hes a bloody amazing writer, so i dont give a shit what he writes, as long as he writes it. So I'm saying this: if you want LemonDrizzle to finish his stories, then you need to let him know! Drop him a message or post on this page, I dont give a crap. Just help out my friend. Thanks. Cya later assholes :)
Welcome back man u have no idea how long I have been waiting for un since I started reading becoming chaos u left I was all sad but now ur back and kicking