• Member Since 6th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2021



Shitpost please ignore · 4:11am Aug 4th, 2016

ayy lmao

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I doubt you really visit here anymore (neither do I for that matter) but I just wanted to say I've re-read The Past is the Future more times than anything else here. I don't even like FiM anymore, it's just a really good story.

Oh also, OG Twilight Sparkle is still best pony. None of this alicorn shit.

Thanks for the awesome story.


Probably not, at least no time soon for sure. I've mentioned this multiple times both on this page and on the story's own comments but I am currently taking classes part-time towards my masters degree in electrical engineering whilst working as a full-time engineer. I barely have enough time for hitting the gym and working on personal circuit design projects for my start-up, let alone writing.

Besides, I've kinda lost interest in writing, at least writing MLP fanfiction anyway. If I do ever get back into writing, I'd rather spend my time on ideas that are entirely my own as opposed to playing with characters and settings created by other people. A pretty large part of my motivation for writing the story I have here is that, at the time, (almost three years ago!), I was working at an internship for a company I quickly began to hate in a part of the country that I hated almost as much and this provided a pretty simple and very effective diversion. (That, and beer, too, lol). I mean, I only had to invent like one or two major characters, everything else was more or less done for me.

Anyway, I am really flattered that there were people who enjoyed what I wrote, and even more so that there are still people on this site who'd like to see me do more. Seriously, that's pretty cool, haha. So yeah, more than likely I'm not going to write anything else for this site, I've just got too many other things that I want to do more/have to do.

so when r u gonna post anymore stories?

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