• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


We’ll bang okay?


Well fuck me sideways with a cactus · 1:08am Apr 9th, 2017

Well... turns out i have high functioning Autism/Asperger's syndrome.... for fucks sake....

Report Gaz1997 · 530 views ·

le masterpieces

Comments ( 162 )
  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162

Omg! The face it carries the laughter of millions.

Sir or Madame, I would like to inform you of my amusement due to your choice for a username and image to acompany said username.

Hey, House.

XD your avatar made me laugh
good on you!

  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162
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