• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 21st, 2014



Braeburn... · 1:02am Apr 26th, 2012

Dear FimFiction readers,

I have something very important to tell you. I am deeply in love with Braeburn. His mane is one of the main characteristics that I love about him. Yes, I'm gay for Braeburn.

RainbowDash575 out

PS It was a bet that I lost :( So I'm forced to love him...

Report Petrichor · 668 views ·

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Comments ( 16 )
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what ever happened to "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday"?

I would like to request that all riot leaders stop their riot against Petrichor, for The Night Guard has been updated once again!:pinkiehappy:

im with that guy to>>14264>>32832

Thanks for favouriting YouDash! Nice to know you like my stuff. :pinkiehappy:

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