• Member Since 18th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 29th, 2018


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Still Alive, But Busy · 5:30pm Jun 28th, 2017

Hey everyone. I thought I'd check in after a long time. I am very surprised to have come back to see people still liking my stories and even following me even after all this time of inactivity! I don't know if I'll ever post more content here on Fimfiction, as I have college starting in a few months. However, given that I could have free time I can attempt to start writing again. But I don't want to get anyone's hope's up that I may post more chapters and finish stories long planned but never

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Report Darknight293 · 478 views · Story: A Siren's Song ·
Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20

Yo, are you still active on here?

Yo, buddy. Still alive?

It's a sad fact that the unique is rarely succesful or indeed that the succesful is rarely unique. i gues some people/ponies just like reading the same story with different characters. *Cough* 99% of clopfics *unconvincing cough*

i'm trying to say you haven't (yet) fallen into this trap.


Heh, thank you. I ain't like the ones with hundreds of followers on here, but I write my stories for fun. It's actually become a new passion of mine. If people follow me for it, then that means I've entertained people and brought some happiness into their lives.

Something that makes me feel good and happy.

What's this? an ambitious writer creating consistent and unique content? wel then!..... I know someone who needs more followers.

  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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