• Member Since 1st Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 20th, 2018


why?no i believes it pronounced "why not?"


Beat It · 10:07pm Jun 25th, 2014

I should maybe do posts every so often. Anyway Animated James made this video and now that I have watched it I must say that it is one of my new favorite PMVs...Ever

not sure why i felt a need to share it though

Report Dubstep · 629 views ·
Comments ( 198 )
  • Viewing 194 - 198 of 198

Dubstep is good. Orchestra is good. Metal is godly.

1944719 oh. i see. looks like i learned a new word today.

Imagine if someone tackled you with a hug. You don't fall down but you get swayed with the I impact

1943993 im not sure what glomping is but im flattered at the notion

  • Viewing 194 - 198 of 198
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