• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 25th, 2020

Surprise The Pegasus

Flown away. If you want to talk to me, message me on any of my linked accounts.

Updates and New Story ideas

Hey hey hey, guess what? I'm on Tumblr! (And DeviantART!)
Thank you SO much for...wait...WHAT!? 50+ followers!? I can't even...wow...I have fans...wow...all I can say is thank you!

Thank you all, and Happy April! :pinkiehappy:

P.S. Color of Insanity is here, and will be updated sometime :raritywink:

Latest Stories

About Me

Hello, i'm Surprise!
My favorite character is my good friend Pinkie Pie

My favorite villain is Nightmare Moon...she's not as scary as she seems!

...and I write grimdark pony fanfiction.

I know my stories aren't the best, but give them a try!

Comments ( 34 )
  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34

Also what linked accounts? I can't really find any active ones. Man, can't believe you actually came back here all of the sudden. I log in here like once every half a year or so, so this was a shocker alright.

Well that sure would have been awesome, yeah haha

What if I told you I wasn't dead? :'

It is very meta sad to write on the wall of a probably dead person, but I am a sentimental fool.

  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34
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Anyone up for a collab? · 7:19am Apr 8th, 2014

So here I blog again, this time with a matter that's actually important. I'm working on an MLP poetry collection, and was wondering if any of you fine authors would like to contribute. I'll be posting the forum in The Writers Group, so just stick around and it'll be up soon! I look forward to collaborating with you all.


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