Broken Minds and Twisted Stories 96 members · 330 stories

Let's make this an experiment. Think of the darkest thing ever and make it a story. Any thing dark will be accepted whether its romance, adventure or sadness. So let you minds go in to Equestria and explore the corners of your mind.

Note: the group is built upon dark stories but anything can be accepted.
Leaders: Micarder

Comments ( 7 )
  • Viewing 1 - 7 of 7

Sorry. Accidentally added Detritus to the humans folder. Removed it, but the notification will still probably be there in your news feed. :twilightoops:

Finally got an image up there. You all can thank Nether M Ordius for the editing of the pic.

Hello, followers
If any of you would be so kind as to tell me how to exactly put up a custom image that I had made on my tablet.(what i use for fimfiction) if you have any custom image that you would like to be placed as our banner I'll be happy to discuss it with you. Other than that I would like to know how to post my (crappy) image.
Thank You

Comment posted by Micarder deleted Sep 16th, 2014
Comment posted by Micarder deleted Sep 16th, 2014
Comment posted by Micarder deleted Sep 16th, 2014

Where are the folders?

  • Viewing 1 - 7 of 7