• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm CreepyPastaSalad and Sensuous Sonority on YouTube, and I perform audio readings.

Service to FIMFiction Stats

Audio readings featured on Equestria Daily: 10
Other authors' stories audio read (in full): 57
Total chapters audio read: 87
Approx. words audio read: 290,550

Administrator of The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau

Other authors' stories proofread/edited: 8
Chapters proofread/edited: 17
Total words: 76,316

Stories Written: 2
Chapters Written: 15
Words Written: approx. 44,032

Hey! Have Some Chopin While You're Here!

Real FimFiction Accomplishments

[X] Successfully evaded detection by The Descendant
[X] Successfully evaded detection by Alcatraz
[Achievement Failed: 4/1/17] Successfully evaded detection by Vengeful Spirit
[X] Never angered a moderator or administrator
[X] Capitalized my fanfiction's title correctly
[X] Never changed usernames
[X] Persuaded a crass user to remove their mean comment
[] Contributed emoticons to the website
[] Created a relevant, non-redundant group

Channel Links Below

What have I done for this fandom?

Works I've Audio Read (From most recent to first)

NSFW - Check my channel for the video Facing Her Fears by , recommended by

Video Link Feathers by , recommended by

NSFW - Check my channel for the video. Obsession by (Featured on EQD)

Video Link Host by , recommended by

Video Link Equestria's Imperial Legion by , requested by the author

Video Link Applejack's New Security System by , recommended by the author.

Video Link Sweets and Sharp Objects by

Video Link Mister Lonely Heart by , recommended by the author. (Featured on EQD)

Video Link Hope by , recommended by

Video Link (Part 4) Reconnection and Breaking the Circle by (Featured on EQD)

NSFW Verbose Parody - Check my channel for the video. Big Pinkie Pie Warms You Up by , recommended by

NSFW - Check my channel for the video. My Final Confession by

Video Link Black Lotus by - Recommended by

Video Link Painless by - Recommended by (Featured on EQD)

Video Link Reflection by - Recommended by the author

Video Link Time by - Recommended by

Video Link Those Who Are Oppressed (Story withdrawn for editing) by

Works on FimFiction I've Proofread/Edited for (From most recent to first)

Tales of Fillydelphia (ongoing) by

The Smiling Stallion (ongoing) by


Some major personal updates · 7:09pm Aug 29th, 2021

I'll get right to the point: I got a new job! :pinkiehappy:

While I enjoyed my previous work, it was mostly thoughtless data entry and wasn't even close to full-time. I have clawed my way out of the welfare trap.

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Report TheDizzyDan · 421 views ·

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Comments ( 1839 )
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That's perfectly fine; I understand completely.

Likewise! :pinkiesmile: Sorry I'm not more active on here. My account is often dormant for spans these days.

You are welcome as well.

Thanks for the talk; you seem like a decent fellow.

:twilightsmile: Correct.

And you're welcome! Thank you for sharing.

Not to exclusion?
Do you mean that I like some more modern banda, but am still very much leaning towards those of the past?

Because you got me exactly right.:twilightsmile:

(and thanks for looking at that blog post.)

:rainbowderp: Reading that, that makes more sense. :rainbowlaugh:

I used to a bigger CD fan myself, but I donated a bunch to my local library and never saw them again. :derpyderp2: Funny how that coincided with used CD's also becoming more expensive than buying digital singles I like. Fortunately, I kept a few of my best favorites, although sadly not all my best favorites.

You seem to be more of an old school fan, reading your recommended blog, but not to exclusion. My Radiohead listening kinda stops at The Bends; they just got a little too experimental for me, I guess. :twilightsheepish:

No, actually. It's a reference to a device that plays cassette tapes but has no speaker of its own. (Not exactly, but a Walkman would be a portable version of one.)

I think it may also refer to analog tape recording devices.

However, in a twist of irony, I really like CDs and records, but I have to relearn how to play tapes every time I do so.

So I'm a big music fan, though I would say I like cards about as much as anyone does.

:twilightsmile: I'm glad to hear it. Do I correctly gather from your screenname that you like to play cards?

I'm pretty good.

Not so much. :twilightsheepish: "Dizzy" was a nickname from a different decade, not a condition for me. How do you do?

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Criminal Lyrics

"Oh, the worms eat away,
But don't worry; watch the wind.
Oh, the worms eat away,
But don't worry; watch the wind."
So I left Montana on an old freight train
The night my father died in the cold, cold rain.

A thousand doors, a thousand lies,
Rooms a thousand years wide.
I walk in the cold sun and wind.
All these years will not begin!

['Cause] when you are dreaming, you see for miles and miles.

Now I just stare into the sun,
And I see everything I've done.
I think I could have been someone,
But I can't stop what has begun!
When everything is said and done
And there is no place left to run,
I think I used to be someone.
Now I just stare into the sun.

"If you waste your time a-talkin'
To the people who don't listen
To the things that you are saying,
Who do you think's gonna hear?
And if you should die explaining how
The things that they complain about
Are things they could be changing,
Who do you think's gonna care?"
There were other lonely singers
In a world turned deaf and blind
Who were crucified for what they tried to show.
And their voices have been scattered by the swirling winds of time,
For the truth remains that no one wants to know. (link)

My branches, your cradle.
I've seen the rise of man.
While you wished upon the stars,
I never left the land.
You draped your villains on my arms,
Nailed prophets high on my chest.
In your mind you may be the master,
But in the soil we both shall rest.
Tree, tall as a mountain,
Older than fathers of kings of man.

God builds a church; the Devil builds a chapel,
Like the thistles that grow on the trunk of a tree.
All the good in the world you can put inside a thimble
And still have room for you and me.
If there's one thing you can say about mankind,
There's nothing kind about man.
You can drive out nature with a pitchfork,
But it always comes roaring back again.
Misery's the river of the world.

My life he claims for God above.
Can such things be?
For I had come to hate the world,
This world that always hated me. (link)

And on I read until the day was gone.
And I sat in regret of all the things I've done:
For all that I've blessed and all that I've wronged.
In dreams until my death, I will wander on.

Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose.
Nothin' ain't worth nothin', but it's free.
Feeling good was easy, Lord, when Bobby sang the blues!
Feeling good was good enough for me,
Good enough for me and Bobby McGee. (link)