• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 2nd, 2018


Hello there and hows it going I am just a brony that loves to read and do recording of good story's i hope you bros enjoy and see you guys round.


So it is that time again. · 2:59am Jan 10th, 2016

The start of a new year mean the new possibilities that people can do. as for me i decided i'm just going to do what ever makes me happy. I'm tired of being sad and doing nothing with my life. so from this point I've decided to get back into making you tube videos. aside form my drawing i want to invest my time into creating the YouTube videos of my dreams. with that i'm uploading my first clop fic on to my channel. at first i was worried about what people would think. and that's the thing, why

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Report NightDerLock · 259 views ·
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2133297 that's really awesome of you! Thanks you so much!

thanx s much for the fave and follow, i shall do so on fimfiction and youtube in return

Just sub. on your utube and here love it! :D

slackers unite!!!

Thanks for joining my group of stalkers!

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