On the Subject of "Pegasi" · 4:04pm Jan 27th, 2013
All right, everypony, gather 'round! Jot's going to run a little class here.
There's a mistake I see a lot in FiM fanfiction that I'd like to address. This is probably a futile gesture, since I suspect everyone who reads this knows what they're doing and the bulk of the errors come from our non-English-speaking friends, but... I dunno, maybe you can link people to it or something. If you're a grammar nazi like me, anyway.
Okay, so. Can you spot what's wrong with this sentence?
What's this? No comment for almost 7 years! Now fixed.
1497385 Hi Jot! How are you?
I just want to say how absolutely incredible Ribbons and Lace was. I mean this wholeheartedly--you are an extremely talented writer. Your prose is...fucking amazing. I DEVOURED that story and was quite sad to see that you haven't written more in a while.
I'm not here to guilt you into doing more...whatever. I have never used this site before. I have never felt the need to do something like this. But I finished Ribbons and Lace and I made an account specifically to tell you that you created something magical. The writing and story are brilliant. The pacing, the sex, the lust... You have written what is easily one of the best romance stories I have ever read.
So I guess this post is to thank you. And to remind you that you have real, pure talent.
Thank you for Ribbons and Lace. And if you're still writing somewhere, I want to be there.
- A fan
hey joge