• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 3rd, 2023



Sorry about another long delay · 5:20am Jul 12th, 2015

I've been suffering some kind of creative dead-lock for weeks now, and I'm having a hard time breaking out of it. Right now most of my focus is going into working all the hours I can to try and save for the move I'm doing.

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1792438 Thank you. I had no one online at the time to suggest a name to me, and being habitually terrible at names, I went with the first thing that came to me that didn't sound too ridiculous to take seriously.

You have a fantastic name.

1724619 Heh, no worries. :) Glad you liked it though! :)

1724613 I actually complete forgot about you recommending that one to me. I just remembered now when I saw your comment. "Full Bloom" has actually been in my Read Later list for ages, and I browsed back through it a few days ago and just picked that story.

Funny how that works sometimes. XD

Hi again! Thanks so much for the fave of 'Full Bloom'! :)

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