• Member Since 5th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 1st


imma horse imma horse

My Crap

Comments ( 15 )
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I have several mid-quel chapters of 120 Days in various stages of development. One involves Berry Punch being tortured by Fancy Pants. I really should finish it one of these days...


Your stories entertained me greatly, please keep writing sadistic gore. 120 Days of Blueblood was amazing.

Welcome welcome welcome! A fine welcome to you!

Welcome welcome welcome! I say, how do you do?

Welcome welcome welcome to a choice you won't regret!

Welcome welcome welcome to FIMFiction.net!


Thanks for following me, Sleipnir!:yay:

I really appreciate it and I hope my stories continue to entertain you in some way. :twilightsmile:

Hello, I came here because of your name. you, in a sense, will be in a story of mine.

Nice username.

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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