• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 1st, 2023



So busy! · 1:34am Dec 1st, 2012

Hey all of you bronies!

I doubt anyone is really waiting for it or anything, but work on the (non-gore) sequel of Scarlet Harvest (and thus possible updates for Of Maids and Mistresses) has been pretty stalled. My work has been taking up a lot of time, and because of that I've barely been on my computer at all. I hope to be able to get back to it after January, but I've no definite details on my schedule yet. We'll see!

Just thought I'd let you know,
- Unahim

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I hate it when people just go out and die for no reason :fluttercry:

Comment posted by Valk deleted Nov 7th, 2020

Hey there Unahim, just poped in to let you know you were not forgotten, here's hoping your pony muse kidnaps you again for something cool. :heart:

Unahim, can i make a my own Cheerilee's Garden squeal from your story cheerilee's garden. my squeal to your cheerilee's garden story is called: 'Cheerilee's garden 2: Revenge of the five fillies and 2 colts becoming the seven deadly sins' story if that's okay with you unahim and please answer me if you get time to it?

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