• Member Since 27th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 55 minutes ago


haha rainbow machine go brrr

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Translation Masterpost · 3:09am Nov 22nd, 2021

This blog serves to compile links to all known translations of my stories. When available the original source is linked, but I have backups on my GDrive available as well.

If a translation has a missing/dead source it will be marked and highlighted in red. If you know of the source for that translation, or if you know of any translations I have missed, please DM me and I will update this post accordingly.

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Report AuroraDawn · 676 views · #translations
Comments ( 248 )
  • Viewing 244 - 248 of 248

fellow Horse Enjoyer here. popped onto the website to reread some stuff in my favorites, and of course i went down to rainbow factory. i noticed that you were last online just yesterday, which is quite nice, considering you've... well, you've been on the site for 13 years now.

anyways, i just want to say thanks for empowering my most incredible coincidence with your Rainbow Factory story and getting me into the fandom to begin with, regardless of how well the work has aged (which, speaking of, i haven't read since at least 2020; considering the 2021 rewrite, i suppose i have a pretty good reason to reread it!)

i hope you've been doing well! it's pleasant seeing you still writing; i wish i could say the same for myself considering the questionable quality of my own past work, but i just haven't had the motivation or energy to write in years. i may try my hand at something again, though... especially after seeing someone as strangely influential to my personal life as you still writing after all these years!

anyways, have a good one.

Certified OG, respecc

Dear Aurora Dawn,

I've recently started to read your Rainbow Factory Series. And, though its definitely not perfect, it's so cool and iconic! And I'm really proud of how far you've come with it. I mean, Heck, it's 2023 and you're still continuing the series. Even in paperback form! So yeah, you've got a new fan.

Best wishes,

- Tisalie

I've only just revisited the "Rainbow Factory" series after all these year, and a question I didn’t ask myself the first go around. What happened to the other Mane 6? Did something happen? Did they cut ties with Rainbow? If so, why? If they didn't, are we to assume the events of Rainbow Factory are between the scenes of the show? Or... Scootaloo is older and interested in colts... Is Rainbow Factory post-show finale?!
Talk about a grim ending.

For Pegasus Device it is the reverse, the story came before the song :)

  • Viewing 244 - 248 of 248
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