Pride and Positivity 249 members · 107 stories

There won't be a Pride and Positivity 2022 event. More details.

2021 post:

Hey FimFiction!

It's Pride Month, and people need positivity now more than ever, so we're holding an event where you write a Pride-positive fic. We're calling this,


This can mean many things, including showcasing the LGBT+ aspect of one or more characters, exploring discrimination, or even writing a ship fic with a same sex pairing. We also encourage intersectionality! If you want to incorporate race, mental health, etc. then please do!

Positivity is the name of the game here, so the story should be positive in the end. It can be sad for a while, but there should be a happy ending.

The story doesn't have to be complete. Related to the above, that does mean you can leave us on a nasty cliffhanger! Just let us know it'll turn out fine.

We encourage a maximum rating of T.

As a change from last year, this event is being run both here and on Offprint, a general fiction site I'm helping out with. Note that the site is in closed alpha release, so it is not quite ready for open registration, and you have to sign up for an invite code.

For each submitted fic, we'll donate $20 to a charity of your choice from one of the below, or another of your choice! This is limited to two MLP fics and two non-MLP fics (original is fine too). Non-MLP fics have to go on Offprint.

Make sure to include the above links in the description of your fic and encourage readers to donate! You can do this with a story you already published this June, and we'll still donate.

Optional: Stretch outside the bounds of what you usually write! If you've never written a trans character, try it out now. And so on. If you ask, we'll try to offer a sensitivity reader to look over your work. PM SigmasonicX about that.

You can also include pride flags in your cover art, but from last year, we know that can make you a target for downvotes, so be wary of that.

We'll be donating until the end of June (and likely a bit after if this is like last year), but feel free to keep making stories after. EDIT: Extended to July 15.

So to sum up:

  • Write a positive Pride fic! Doesn't have to be complete, max rating of T. You can also submit an already published fic from this month.
  • With each fic, we'll donate $20 to a charity of your choice from Transgender Law Center, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Sewa International, or another of your choice.
  • We'll be donating until the end of June. EDIT: Extended to July 15.

Original 2020 post:

Hey FimFiction!

It's Pride Month, and people need positivity now more than ever, so we're holding an event where you write a Pride-positive fic. We're calling this,


This can mean many things, including showcasing the LGBT+ aspect of one or more characters, exploring discrimination, or even writing a ship fic with a same sex pairing. We also encourage intersectionality! If you want to incorporate race, mental health, etc. then please do!

Positivity is the name of the game here, so the story should be positive in the end. It can be sad for a while, but there should be a happy ending.

The story doesn't have to be complete. Related to the above, that does mean you can leave us on a nasty cliffhanger! Just let us know it'll turn out fine.

We encourage a maximum rating of T.

Optional: To brighten up FimFiction's front page, you can include a Pride flag in the cover art, or in the description. You can see many here, or you can use a variant flag like the Progress Pride flag.
EDIT: I want to give people a heads up that fics that feature pride flags in the cover art are being targeted for downvotes; previous fics in this group that have done so received 18-20 downvotes. My view is that it's good that those people are getting upset, and people who would be interested in your story will understand what's happening, but I understand if you'd rather not receive so many downvotes on your story.

Optional: Stretch outside the bounds of what you usually write! If you've never written a trans character, try it out now. And so on. If you ask, we'll try to offer a sensitivity reader to look over your work. PM SigmasonicX about that.

Now here's the exciting part. For each submitted fic, we'll donate $20 to a charity of your choice from one of these lists!

Black Lives Matter - Where to Donate
Support Black People MasterDoc

The latter especially frontloads LGBT funds and charities. PM SigmasonicX your story and a link to your chosen charity. He'll message you back with the donation receipt.

Make sure to include the above links in the description of your fic and encourage readers to donate! You can do this with a story you already published this June, and we'll still donate.

We'll be donating until the end of June July 13, but feel free to keep making stories after.

EDIT: I just got some exciting news! For every submitted fic, Lord Camembert will donate $10 to the Transgender Law Center, and his company will match that donation, meaning $20 per fic. That means every fic will result in $40 of donations!

So to sum up:

  • Write a positive Pride fic! Doesn't have to be complete, max rating of T. You can also submit an already published fic from this month.
  • With each fic, we'll donate $20 to a charity of your choice from either Black Lives Matter - Where to Donate or Support Black People MasterDoc. EDIT: In addition, $20 will go to the Transgender Law Center.
  • Add those links to the description of your story and encourage readers to donate.
  • We'll be donating until the end of June July 13.
Comments ( 55 )
  • Viewing 36 - 55 of 55

I just wanna say I'm really happy that this group exists on the site. Though it's disheartening to see the number of downvotes that so many of the submissions pick up. Is it true that the 4chan side of the fandom does downvoting brigades on event entries?

Thank you kindly, hon. Posted her up, yesterday before I headed into work.
Y'all really weren't kidding about the bigots here on this site. Pretty sad to see so much petty negativity towards loving folkes. :fluttercry: Still, never let the ugliness stop ya from spreading the love. :twilightsmile:

The event just ended, but you have about eight more hours to enter a fic before I fully close it up.

Woop! Hey, my brainmeats are on the fritz so I need a bit of clarification, please! The listed deadline is the 15th, so are we still able to squeek one in for PRIDE and Positivity today or is it over as of today?

Thank you, kindly. Got one up and working on another and a new cover image for it. Big Love to all y'all.

That's correct

I'll be glad to be a party to adding some joy and positivity in the LGBTQ PRIDE circle. Shoot, it's what I do! If I understand correctly, we can only submit two MLP fics and we have up to July 15th?

Comment was in response to those below me. Since they've been deleted, I'm respectfully editing mine.

So uhhhh the horses are gay and they smooch, yeah?

Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Jun 30th, 2021
Comment posted by C197 deleted Jun 30th, 2021

They certainly will!

Sure, that's fine, as long as the reader can tell it's about LGBT+ characters.

Hey there! I've just finished my Pride Month story in first draft, and I'll be publishing it in parts to meet the required deadline. Is it okay for a story to centre around trans/LGBTQ+ characters, even if the story isn't specifically about queer identities?

Ok I Understand

Sorry. Aside from what I mentioned, I'm also not including any M-rated stories besides gara's.

Well since you’re in charge I was wondering if I could add my story called “Love, Sex, & Confusions”

It involves a Rarity and a Non-Binary OC character

Hello! Yes I am. If you're asking about adding to this group, then even for stuff written before the deadline, I'm not accepting any more stories other than ones I was told about before the deadline. I'll need another paycheck or two before I can start donating so much again, lol.

Hello I’m 13 Shades if Sunset rare you in charge of this group

You may have noticed that an M-rated fic was added to the group, and I wanted to confirm that I did indeed give permission for this. The story was written with the possibility of being either T or M, with M being decided in the end. More than that, gara is one of the few authors I'd trust to write a great M-rated Pride-positive fic (and incidentally also sex worker positive), so I was willing to make an exception.

  • Viewing 36 - 55 of 55