Jinglemas 488 members · 646 stories

"Merr Crimbus" - Obselesence probably

Jinglemas is a yearly tradition on Fimfiction to do a site-wide collaboration 'Secret Santa' style. This group is the official home for all things Jinglemas!

Join our DISCORD!

Enrollment is: CLOSED
Breezie Signup is: OPEN!

Enrollment: Nov 1st - Nov 24th
Writing: Nov 25th - Dec 23rd
Exchange: Dec 23rd ~ 29th*

See our event RULES and also the FAQ.

* Subject to change based on participation volume.
For M-rated content, consider checking out the Summer Sin Celebration.

Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 22 - 41 of 41

Today's the last day to apply.

Please see the above post

Not sure if I’m overzealous (or simply missed anything), but is Jinglemas happening this year?


Jinglemas 2020: Applejack and Fluttershy return to the Kirin village and learn about the holiday tradition of Hanirikah.
Shakespearicles · 4.8k words  ·  41  7 · 732 views

Yo can I still enroll if I'm Jewish and wish to make Hannukah art?

Yay! How do you enroll again?

Shouldn't the enrollment have started back up for this year?

This group's stories are specifically from the exchange event each year, and they are added by the author as part of the exchange process.

Probably not, only individual uploads but thanks for asking. :)

Shame I missed out. This would’ve been so much fun!

Now I feel bad for not enrolling, some of these entries look great!

Same here, LOL. Oh well...

Aw, I found out about this a little too late.

Aw well, try for next year!

  • Viewing 22 - 41 of 41