Rare Pairings 128 members · 183 stories

Welcome to the Rare Pairings group! This group is meant to celebrate uncommon, rare, or even never seen before pairings between ponies! Whether they be from a crackship, headcanon, or anything in between, feel free to add stories that have such groups that you feel need more attention.

The rules are quite simple:

1. Be nice to each other and the admins.

2. Don't spam the folders, only use the folders which match with your sotry.

3. What constitutes as a rare pairing is largely your discretion. Pairings between, say, two main six characters for example are not a rare pair and will be removed.

4. Have fun!

4b. Fiddlesticks.

Our group picture is done by applejackofalltrades. The ponies in the banner are Millie and Burning Passion left to right.

Comments ( 7 )
  • Viewing 1 - 7 of 7

I see. At least we have this group.

I’m aware. The group still exists but is hidden because of that.


The admin for that group deleted their account.

I’ve been trying to see if we could get that group back under a new owner but the admins haven’t been replying to my inquiries lol

Great! I was really sad to see the Original Pairings group disappear. Glad to see someone decided to make a new group!


Yep! Announcement is now live in the fourms!

Ooo, Pillars shipping contest?

  • Viewing 1 - 7 of 7