• Member Since 11th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Go ask Alice instead | Schedule crammed with pining, longing and yearning.

Blog Posts

  • 2 weeks
    Balcony smoke

    Ever since I've stopped drinking regularly, except for the occasional beer with friends, I've been smoking a bit too much — the pull of nicotine is strong, moreso when lighting a stick punctuates these days of heat and ennui. It gives me an excuse to grasp at something, anything beyond the smoke as the world spins around me.

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    0 comments · 20 views
  • 3 weeks
    New profile picture

    Courtesy of a picrew that I'll credit properly when I'm on my computer! After having used the brown donkey guy for a while, I've decided to change my picture for what I'd envision my OC to look like. Finally decided on a unicorn, due to my affinity with mystical aesthetics and hunger to pursue more scholarly ambitions. His name might be Gossamer, or something to that effect, even if I still enjoy Hamartia.

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    0 comments · 8 views
  • 4 weeks
    I wasn't consistent at all

    Can't believe I've stopped writing my posts on the Horse Words website after a small handful of them, despite lurking everyday and reading quite the unhealthy amount of fics here. Mayhap my desire not to disturb the little safe space I've carved for myself is hindering me.

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    2 comments · 29 views
  • 88 weeks
    Thinking of a ponysona

    Because he isn't what I am inside!

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    8 comments · 98 views
  • 88 weeks
    Nightmares all the way down

    I didn't sleep well tonight!

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    1 comments · 87 views

Balcony smoke · 5:59pm July 11th

Ever since I've stopped drinking regularly, except for the occasional beer with friends, I've been smoking a bit too much — the pull of nicotine is strong, moreso when lighting a stick punctuates these days of heat and ennui. It gives me an excuse to grasp at something, anything beyond the smoke as the world spins around me.

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Report Hamartia · 20 views ·
Comments ( 26 )
  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26

Thanks for the follow!

You are very welcome! I've discovered this little gem a few months ago and binged it - I absolutely loved the Discworld-esque vibe of it and as someone who went through the politics of academia while being a total oddball, it was relatable. Your take on folklore also makes me think your Starswirl IS the canon Starswirl, ahahaha. Thanks for writing it for so long.

Thanks for the favorite!

You as well, and thanks again!

I will! I've also loved your blogs and some other pieces, maybe if I'm confident, I'll comment on these. <3 Be safe, sir! May you and your husband enjoy a fruitful year.

  • Viewing 22 - 26 of 26
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