• Member Since 8th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Your friendly neighborhood writer of entirely too many trans ponies! (Dashie | she/her | Discord: velvetred2004 | pfp by Malphym)

Friend List (Check Out These Folks When You Can)

Previous Story Bios

”No more troubled sleep, there’s a brave new world raging inside of me.”- Laura Jane Grace (A Little Louder, June 2022)
”If I could transform, change the way I am right now…”- Isabella “Bunny” Bennett (Honeybee, July 2022)
"I am sitting in the morning in the diner on the corner."-Suzanne Vega (Moonbeams at Moonlight, August 2022)
”Do you understand, mechanical hands, are the rulers of everything?”- Rob Cantor (Forgotten Memories, September 2022)
”’Cause we can stay all night and watch the sunset, but I can’t help from asking ‘are you bored yet’?”- Braeden Lemasters (Are You Bored Yet?, October 2022)

The Best Story I’ve Written at the Moment


On Jellyfish: The Past, Present, and Future · 11:26am June 29th

This blog post will contain spoilers for the anime Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night. You have been warned.

So you might be clicking on this because you might be thinking “Oh she hasn’t uploaded a blog post in forever”. Or, you might be clicking on this because of the word salad in the title, but regardless it is time for me to talk about my new obsession.

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Welcome to my page!

So, am I supposed to like talk about myself here or something?

Alright, here goes (totally not stealing this format).

-I go by Dashie as implied by my name, or Reinn because she’s my ponysona, or Rose because it’s just a pretty name. I go by many things.
-I’ll have you know that I’m a Discord admin, so fear my power.
-She/her pronouns in case you can’t read the bio (don’t know how you’d be reading this, but hey).
-This may surprise you, but I really like Rainbow Dash.
-And Fluttershy.
-And FlutterDash.
-Especially trans FlutterDash.
-I voiced a cocaine addict in a story once and haven’t lived it down.
-Half my Discord friends are trans, me included, so tell me transphobic crap if you dare.
-I adore femboys
-I like writing stories that are so slice of life they might as well be delivered in cake form.
-I have two light drumsticks and know how to use them.
-I am the boogiemare, as I write a lot of stories about *gasp* trans ponies (I know, how dare I!)
-I write directly into FiMFiction, people think I’m crazy.
-I’ve been writing mediocre fanfic since 2018.
-I know way too much about music, particularly The Beatles.
-I also do music here’s my Spotify link
-Proud member of QnS.
-Midwesterner, ET.
-I’m not saying you should subscribe to my YouTube channel, but uh, here it is in case.
-I love writing stories about boring crap.

-But seriously, if you stumble across this corner of the site, I write slice of life to its logical conclusion. Most of my stories are a celebration of the mundane. Every single person has a story, so it should make sense that average, everyday ponies have a story, too. When I’m not writing slice of life like that, I’m generally shining a light on the issues that permeate a person (or pony in this case), because stuff like gender dysphoria isn’t often talked about, and I want to talk about it.
-If you want to read my stories, I’d recommend Raining., A Little Louder, Me and Poppy, Something About a Violet, and Honeybee. Those cover the scope of what I like writing pretty nicely.

And until next time; be awesome!

P.S. Join the Dashie04 Discord server!

Comments ( 73 )
  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73

Thank you for the watch. I hope you enjoy reading my work. :twilightsmile:

Eep! 🤗

Hope you're well :3

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