Group Theme and Contest Theme
"When Spike goes through the Mirror Portal from Equestria to CHS, he turns into a dog. What does X turn into when X goes through the Mirror Portal (or a similar portal)? You can pick X and the direction."
Myself (Mockingbirb), I'm especially interested in changes that are less usual, not so commonplace (although I suppose very unsual treatments of the 'usual' changes can be interesting too.)
I'll give a few example suggestions in the upcoming Portal Transformations Contest announcement and rules, such as "What if an Equestrian yak who visits the human world turns into a yeti or a bigfoot?"
Some Possible Transformation Types
Unusual starting species or destination species? (Or both)
Transformations can even transcend mere change of species.
Story does something at least a little unusual with a standard transformation type
Changes of age, sex, and gender, instead of species changes, have also inspired some writers...even a lot of writers I guess. Maybe even so many writers and so many stories that they are sometimes less interesting for people looking for unusual portal transformations (although this group has a folder for those stories too!)
Combining multiple types of transformation in the same story is fine too.
Other Guidelines
The portal doesn't even HAVE to be Celestia's and Twilight's "Equestria Girls" Mirror Portal, although stories about that portal are very welcome.
One or both sides of the portal ought to be recognizably a canon or AU MLP universe.
WARNING: Not really quite looking for isekai, 'displaced,' or "You wake up in the Everfree still a human and then a timberwolf eats you." This group is really about how creatures are transformed by passing through an interdimensional portal like the Mirror Portal. Finding a portal on a deserted island and passing through it and becoming ~a pony~ some weird creature is probably 'close enough,' though.