• Member Since 24th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


A web developer whose writing process occasionally looks like Pinkie's infamous Party Of One thanks to characters deciding to derail his fics when they feel they make more sense that way.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Thank you kindly, it felt very good to write pony again! :heart:

Been a while but welcome back. Gonna check out your newest story soon

Hi and thank you for the kind words! I 100% intend to continue, but writing hasn't really worked out for me the last couple of months for a variety of reasons. :applecry: I am slowly recovering, though, and intend to continue this and also other fics!

Any plans on continuing Rock the Carousel? Really good read

Thank you, I hope you enjoy them! :heart:

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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