• Member Since 1st Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I think it'd be better if I just shut my mouth, cuz I hate how I look, how I sound.

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  • 1 week
    Last day of Trotcon!

    Hey Ohio! Hey Trotcon!

    You should come buy pony soap! Or, at least, come smell pony soap and say hi! I'm at A10 in the vendor hall, Sweethaven Soaps and Sundry.

    0 comments · 47 views
  • 24 weeks
    Sweethaven Soaps and Sundry is finally here!

    Everybody needs soap, right? But what about PONY soap?

    That's right, I am now selling my amazing, hand-made soap online, as well as (hopefully) at another convention near you!


    3 comments · 148 views
  • 25 weeks

    The zombi is flying out today for Harmonycon!

    I'll be vending, booth 41 in the vendor hall, selling homemade pony-themed soaps, lip balm, bath bombs, and bracelets!

    Come say hi!

    1 comments · 94 views
  • 29 weeks
    Update on the zombi. Also, SOAP.

    With the advent of the Thought Prism's RE sequel, I thought I should update you all on current progress, for those that aren't in my Discord.

    Am I still writing? Eh... sorta. I'm working on something big and (I hope) special. I'm keeping things quiet for now but I hope you'll all like it.

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    1 comments · 391 views
  • 29 weeks
    It has arrived!

    TRising Flames
    After Emberglow and her friends showed the Diarchy a better path, the ponies living there begin to slowly let go of their fear. However, when impossible figures from the distant past make their return, she finds her greatest trials are yet to come.
    Thought Prism · 36k words  ·  94  10 · 1.1k views

    One of my editors for Rekindled Embers, Thought Prism, has published Chapter 1 of his follow up to my epic.

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    1 comments · 269 views

Last day of Trotcon! · 2:33pm July 14th

Hey Ohio! Hey Trotcon!

You should come buy pony soap! Or, at least, come smell pony soap and say hi! I'm at A10 in the vendor hall, Sweethaven Soaps and Sundry.

Report applezombi · 47 views · #convention #trotcon
Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

Hey, thanks for asking!

As for how it ends, you'll have to keep reading. :raritywink:

I don't know if I'll ever do a project as big as Rekindled Embers ever again. It took years, and a level of emotional involvement that was very difficult. I am still writing and working on creative projects, though. And you will see more in the universe. As for a sequel and a prequel, the sequel is currently being worked on by my friend and one of my editors for RE, Thought Prism. I'll announce it when it shows up. :pinkiehappy:

As for a prequel, well, here's what I can say right now:

mysterious zombi noises

That being said, I do have a discord for fans of the story where we hang out, talk about lore, rp, and other fun stuff. You can find the link in the story description.:twilightsmile:

Quick question. Your big one is a Blast so far. i wonder if you ever consider a write a big story again, or mabe a sequel or a prequel to rekindled embers. im only at 18 cp and i dont know if the story have a conclusion and a "prorper?" ending or it will be end with a cliffhanger or an open window for continuation, but so far im extremely pleased with your story great worldbuilding, caracters and so on i woud be honored to read more stories like that one

You too! Thank you!

Happy Pride Month!

πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ 🌈

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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